Sunday, 22 December 2013

Audio compression becoming a thing of the past with modern Hi-Fi systems.

With the vast improvements in internet bandwidth and media storage is audio compression needed? The start of an era of HD audio for everyone.

Music is the soundtrack to your life so why settle for second best? We have systems that will take your existing music collection and play them back in glorious studio quality. The best that many of use have been CD's that we rip into MP3's that we then store on our systems and media devises. But this is taking a relatively old and far from perfect medium and reducing it's quality even more. Many of us may not know that many of our digital music systems can play back 24 bit studio quality music but are stuck with compressed MP3/AAC downloads. Much of this is because vendors such as Apples Itunes where created at a time when internet bandwidth and music media devises had low storage capacities. This is not the case any-more as megabit connections are common and Terrabyte network attached storage is fast becoming the norm. So you could ask yourself if you could get high definition music would you get it, we already have HD and even 3D video?

The idea that easily available HD audio would come as a welcome thought to the average audiophile, as this set of enthusiasts would be the main customers. But what is it to the rest of us? Are we really that fussy as to the quality of our music?
We have become so used to hearing compressed music as MP3's together with the ease and convenience that we can get them the average person wouldn't adopt new formats until they are more widespread.

Unfortunately getting studio quality copies of your favourite music is not that easy at the moment but there is a shift in the music industry to make high quality music tracks available for download. Spotify is rumoured to be looking to increase it's music uploads to CD quality and some of the leading music labels such as Linn and Pono, are trying to make high quality music uploads an everyday thing. Regardless of how the industry moves one thing for sure is that our ears will like it. Audio systems have been getting more sophisticated over the last few years where you can now access your music from anywhere in your home. Store your music digitally in one location and stream it in high quality to other network enabled systems. With network attached audio you can free your favourite music to be available throughout your household and on devices such as your smart-phones and tablets by wireless LAN and over the internet.

For more information on premium Hi-Fi products visit we also supply network audio solutions.

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